Thursday, 29 October 2015

Reading workshop with Mr Wallace. My notes about a Great white shark at Waimarama

WALT: Take effective notes about some news.
WILF:Words that give information my own words

My next learning step is: To take notes from a news article on T.V.

Great white shark catch
Fishermen disappointed to catch a great white instead of crayfish 
The began to lean.
The shark probably 2 meters long.
Weighs about 180-200 kgs 
The shark got freed.
The last report had of a great white was 4.5m long

Monday, 19 October 2015


WALT use our maths thinking to solve and create number and picture squares.

Here is my one that I created 
Try to solve this by commenting on my blog

Reading term 4 with Mr W

WALT: take notes when listening to a reader

WILF: short sentences 
key words

* my next step will be to take accurate notes when a speaker is talking at a normal speed.